ODBC Navigator: Quick Tour
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ODBC Navigator
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Quick tour


Connecting to database

ODBC Navigator can be connected to any ODBC data source installed in your system.  Virtually all databases have ODBC drivers, so you can use one tool with familiar interface to work with all databases you need.

When you start ODBC Navigator the logon window appears with the list of recent connections as shown below.

Logon window

Fig 1: Logon window
(click for comments)

First time the list of recent connections is empty.  You can create new connection.  To do this, select the appropriate ODBC data source and then walk through the driver-specific logon procedure.  The presence of the "Database info" window indicates if ODBC Navigator is successfully connected to any data source.

Next time all the parameters of your session will be remembered in the registry except of password.  You can connect the same data source by simply double-clicking the entry in the list of the recent connections.  You can also delete entries from the list of recent connections and rename them with any mnemonic names.

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